What is my "To-Do" List for estate planning?

In order to make your estate planning effective, it is important to ensure that your goals and strategies are properly aligned. Work with your Frundt, Lundquist & Gustafson, Ltd. attorney to organize your affairs and be sure your plan will cover all the bases before you implement it.

A high-level “to do” list for estate planning before meeting with your Frundt, Lundquist & Gustafson, Ltd. attorney should include:

  • Identification of assets, asset values and asset types

  • Identification of retirement needs

  • Identification of estate planning goals

  • Assemble of all related paperwork: titles, insurance policies, recent financial statements and tax returns

After your estate plan has been implemented, it is important to organize your essential documents and papers in one location so your family can easily find things when you are gone. In this location, be sure to include the following:

  • A letter explaining what is located there

  • A copy of all your estate planning documents

  • A list of all financial account including account numbers and to date amounts. This list should include all credit card, bank and retirement accounts

  • If you have any specific instructions per your funeral, this information should be included here as well

  • A list of all health, life, auto, homeowners etc insurance policies including who and what is covered, policy numbers and contact information

  • A copy of birth certificates, divorce papers, military and Social Security records, car and boat titles, mortgage and property deeds. The originals of these documents should be kept in a safe or a safety deposit box

  • Copies of your tax returns

  • A monthly budget or a list of all bills you pay monthly

  • A list of all your passwords, user names and PIN numbers so your family can access computer, cellphone and financial accounts

  • If you have a safe deposit box, indicate where it is located and who has access. As a backup, keep a copy of the above listed in here as well


What if I have assets in excess of $1 million?


Last Will and Testament 101